Monday, March 12, 2012

6 recipes, one day—Part 1—Dark Chocolate Truffles

If someone came up to you and said "Hey! I've got a whole Saturday off, would you come show me how to make some recipes?" what would you do?

For me, that's an easy answer. HELL YES I WILL! It's a great opportunity for me to test out some more recipes AND to see if my instructions are clear.

So I picked 6 easy recipes, with very easy ingredients. Though they aren't all vegan, they are all veg. My friend wanted to learn meat free recipes, so I thought I would go easy on him. Pick recipes that are somewhat familiar to him.

The best part of this was that they are also very cheap recipes. For about $100 you get 6 dishes/desserts that can easily feed 4 to 6 people. Or that can be frozen for later enjoyment.

Here is what we started with:

Dark Chocolate Truffles. (yummmm)

For this we used

  • 8 oz of dark chocolate (one box)
  • 1 cup of heavy cream
  • 1 tablespoon of sour cream
  • 2 cups of sugar
  • 1 cup of cocoa powder
  • 2 tablespoons of butter

1. Start by chopping the chocolate into pieces, using a knife, and dropping it in a large bowl.

2. Over medium-high heat, bring to a boil the cream, sour cream and butter.

3. Pour the cream mixture over the chocolate and whisk until everything is well blended and melted.
4. Add 1 1/2 of the sugar and whisk again.

5. Pour into a flat glass pan, and spread it evenly. Put it in the fridge to solidify and cool for about an hour.

One hour later...

6. In two small bowls pour in the reminder of the sugar and in the other, the cocoa powder.
7. Now here, you will get messy. Using a spoon or your fingers, grab a bit of the chocolate mixture and roll it in your hands to create a ball. Think about play-doh, same principle.

8. Then carefully roll the ball in either the sugar or cocoa, covering it well and setting it aside on a bakingsheet lined with parchement paper.

9. Once they are all done you've got two choices. 1. you eat them or 2. put them back in fridge till you are ready to dig in.

That's it. Super easy right?

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